ChatGPT - How Long Till They Realize I’m a Robot?

I tried it first on December 2nd... ...and slowly the meaning of it started to sink in. It's January 1st and as the new year begins, my future has never felt so hazy. It helps me write code. At my new company I'm writing golang, which is new for me, and one day on a whim I think "hmmm maybe ChatGPT will give me some ideas about the library I need to use." Lo-and-behold it knew the library. It wrote example code. It explained each section in just enough detail. I'm excited....It assists my users. I got a question about Dockerfiles in my teams oncall channel. "Hmmm I don't know the answer to this either"....ChatGPT did. It knew the commands to run. It knew details of how it worked. It explained it better and faster than I could have. Now I'm nervous....It writes my code for me. Now I'm hearing how great Github Copilot is - and it's built by OpenAI too...ok I guess I should give it a shot. I install it, and within minutes it'...

android tips/notes

APK = Java (src,gen) + Resources (res) = glue between Java and Resources

make a project command-line compileable :
enter project workspace directory
> android update project --name --path .
> ant install ( will fail if no device to run on)
> ant debug (should succeed, as it only compiles a debug version)

info for android virtual machines located in ~/.android/avd/

adb (add sdk/platform-tools to PATH)

adb shell

adb devices, adb -s

To get nexus one working : edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and add
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18D1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev".

then unhook phone, and restart everything, then allow debugging on phone, and hook it in
and then start eclipse .... that seemed to do the trick

18D1 is the vendor code, i believe for google - don't use the htc one.                             

Services : code that runs in the background (no UI)
Content Providers : share content with applications across application boundaries, e.g. contacts

from project folder :
> adb logcat StatusActivity:* *:s

SETUP TWITTER easy walkthrough :
twitter example :

apparently, android sdk 11 and higher doesn't allow potentially long-running things to happen in the foreground thread because it could lead to the dreaded "application not responding...or w/e" error.  From that I'll get a StrictMode exception - use a lower target version of android OR put the faulty code in an async task in the background.... reference :


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